SWAT Rotation Schedule 2022

Prepare to learn and have fun!  This is the 2022 SWAT Rotation Schedule. 


If you would like to print off a copy of this schedule (or see it in larger print), click on the following link and right-click on the document.  You should be able to print from the menu that pops up.

SWAT Rotation Schedule 2022

The rotation schedule shows which workshops will be offered and when they will take place.  You can attend as many workshops as you like.  Some workshops are offered multiple times.  This allows folks the flexibility to attend as many as possible.

Each workshop is designed to be interactive.  Feel free to ask questions or make comments.  

Oh, and reach out to the people you sit next to.  You may find that you learn as much from one another as you do in the class.  There are many experienced turners at the symposium.

Most of all - HAVE FUN! 



SWAT 2025